Site rules

Site rules

I. General provisions

1. e-shop belongs to MB “Merch”: company code 305588051, address Tujų str. 3-36, Vilnius, mob. + 370 675 71 450. The rules of the Online Store (hereinafter – the Store) (hereinafter – the Rules) apply to the Customer when placing an order in the electronic Store.

2. has the right to adjust the Store Rules. The Rules apply to all Customers ordering in this Store.

3. The customer must read the Store Rules before placing an order. In all cases, the Customer is considered to be familiar with the Rules and agrees to them when the order is finally placed.

4. The Store shall not be liable for incurred losses (material or moral) in cases where the problems were caused by the Customer’s failure to take into account the information in the Rules, which is publicly available on this page.

II. Order submission procedure and conditions

1. The customer selects the goods he likes by visiting the Store’s website. Based on his choice, a shopping cart is formed.

2. After creating the shopping cart, the Customer (if he has not yet registered and logged in to the system) must enter the data necessary for delivery of the selected goods: his name, address to which the goods will be delivered, telephone and additional information that may be relevant for delivery. goods. The Store confirms that the data provided by the Customer will be used exclusively for the purposes of sale and delivery of goods, without violating the requirements for the protection of personal data provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

3. Next, the Customer must choose one of the possible payment methods in the Store. At the same time, the delivery method and price of the goods can be chosen.

4. In the last step, all the data provided by the Customer are generated, before which the Customer must make sure that the provided data is correct and meets his / her wishes. The customer has the opportunity to correct errors, if any, before sending the order. In case the Customer is not familiar with the Rules of the Store before selecting the goods, he must do so before confirming his order and the data provided in it, otherwise the Customer will be deemed to be familiar with the Rules.

5. After the customer confirms the order, the Store receives all the information about it. The order is considered submitted from the moment it is received by the Store. At the same time, in such a case, it is considered that a contract has been concluded between the Customer and the Store. However, such an agreement shall be deemed enforceable only from the moment when the Store receives a confirmation from the Customer’s chosen method of payment for the payment for the goods.

6. After the Customer submits the order, the Store system automatically sends the Customer an e-mail indicating the ordered goods and the data provided by the Customer.

7. Upon receipt of the notification that the Customer has made a payment order for the order, the Store undertakes to execute the order.

8. The order submitted by the Customer is stored in the Store database in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania regarding the term of storage of such data.

9. In all cases, when placing an order, the Customer is considered to be familiar with and unconditionally agree with all the Rules of the Store, as well as with all other conditions specified in the order.

10. The Agreement shall be concluded and executed in the Lithuanian language.

III. Warranty and pricing of goods

1. The characteristics of each product of the Store shall be indicated together with each product.

2. The Store indicates, and the Customer confirms that he is aware that the goods specified in the Store, their color, shape or other parameters may not correspond to the actual size, shape and color of the goods due to the characteristics of the monitor used.

3. The Customer agrees that by placing an order in the Store electronically, he undertakes to pay the price indicated in the order for the goods.

4. Prices in the Store and in the order are indicated in Euros.

5. If the goods sold to the consumer are of unsatisfactory quality, he shall have the right, at his choice, to demand from the seller:

1) Replace a product of the wrong quality with a product of the right quality;

2) To eliminate defects in the goods free of charge or to reimburse the consumer for the costs of repairing them;

3) Reduce the price of the product;

4) Terminate the sales contract and return the money paid for the product, except in cases where the defect in the product is insignificant. The criterion of insignificance of a shortage of goods shall be established by an institution authorized by the Government.

6. Obligations of the shop in relation to the goods:

6.1. The store undertakes to deliver goods that correspond to the information provided with each item.

6.2. The Store undertakes to provide the Customer with the quantity of goods specified in the order. The Store shall not be liable in cases where the quantity of the transferred goods is not accurate due to the fact that the Customer has incorrectly indicated the data to the Store provided in the order.

6.3. In all cases, the Store provides the Customer with an assortment of goods that meet the criteria provided in the order.

6.4. The store specifies the delivery time

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